Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vietnam War

Vietnam war was a war that had nothing to do with U.S. in the beginning.  What started everything was French’s attempt in getting back their control over Vietnam.  U.S. supported France with money, as a way to fight communism.  However, that situation did not last long.  In 1954, French surrendered. It was not the end of the war, but the beginning. 

Vietnam divided in half: South are anti-communists, and north are Communists. The northern communist group was known as Vietcong, led by Ho Chi Minh. With support from China and Soviet, the Vietcong was strong.  Johnson was not ready to let the entire Vietnam convert to communism, so he sent more support to South Vietnam as the war went on.  He pushed through the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in 1964, with granted him great military power in Vietnam.

The war was long and frustrating.  Vietcong never backed down no matter how much military forces U.S. put in. With their understanding of the Vietnam Geography, the Vietcong used hit and run strategies.  They dug tunnels, and launch surprise attacks.  The U.S. grew frustrated over their elusive enemy and used cruel strategies too.  The napalm and Agent Orange was used, which wounded many civilians.  Since they could not tell who is involved with Vietcong and who is not,. They simply conducted search-and-destroy missions, in which they kill everyone who is suspected. 

The War was not only horrible at the frontline, but at home too.  With television broadcasts, citizens of U.S. grew unrest.  The nation became divided into two groups, the Doves and Hawks.  The Doves wanted peace and end to the war, while the Hawks think U.S. should put in more powers.  The Students rebelled, and the SDS is formed.  

The longer the war went on, the less hope people have.  More and more people became Doves, and want an end to it all.  It’s not until Nixon became president that the war ended.  U.S. pulled out of Vietnam in March 29, 1973, after much bombing.  However, the war forever left a wound in American’s heart.  The Soldiers who came back suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and many committed suicides.  

South Vietnam surrendered to North Vietnam in 1975.  The war was a blood bath for both the Vietnamese and Americans.



  1. That was really nice. You had a lot of detail and put a lot of effort into it!

  2. This was a great, informative post that really summarized the war. Maybe you could have included a little more personal aspect of the war. Great job, really nice writing and pictures.

  3. Great job summarizing the war. Also liked how you wrote about americans being impacted by the war being showend in their living rooms.

  4. you did a good job and had good information. Also you had a nice visual. very detailed and good job overall.
