Friday, June 4, 2010

JFK's Administration

John F Kennedy was a man of charisma and talent. This is the reason people voted for him. Even though the public didn’t have high hopes for him due to his inexperience in politics, he was an under dog. With in the short years he had in office he was able to change the world in a positive direction. He was able to create a program that helped establish a connection with most of the Latin America nations. The Peace Corps provided help to the unstable nations that were fighting poverty; gained support for the capitalism against the communists. His administration also developed a team of scientist dedicated to creating an object that can circle the world in the orbit. Although he was unsuccessful he still provided the US with a goal that was now reachable. Along with advancing the weapons, he was able to maintain peace in very stressful situations. The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most fearful days in the US history. The brink of mutual destruction was not an easy thing to talk out of. That's exactly what the president and his administration did, they manages to resolve things without destroying the world.

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