Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Women in Wartime

During World War two women were often forgot with helping in the war as nurses, military leaders, cooks, etc. But back at home women started to take a bigger role in society and go into the workforce that men once fulfilled. Not all women, ages 25 to 34 were the most common. Most of the time women had night jobs so that they could fulfill their job as wife and mother in the day. They were long days and on average you would get 1 to 4 hours of sleep a day! In August 1945 when the war was over millions of people celebrated, however when the fighting stopped so did the war machine that put millions of women into work. Surprising to men, women wanted to keep working after the war. Keeping jobs were a lot harder though since men fulfilled most jobs once again. Women upset went on strikes, tried to prove even more that they were equal to men and have successful lives with out men. During the late 1940's and early 1950's women made a huge impact on how we live today.

By, Brooke

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