Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vietnam War

This war was between communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The war was fought between 1964 and 1975. The United States joined the war to help South Vietnam fight communism. This was a part of the US trying to desperately contain communist. The war took place on the grounds of South Vietnam and in bomb runs over North Vietnam. The Vietnam War was part of a larger conflict between neighboring countries of Cambodia and Laos known as the Second Indochina War. About three million American men and women were went to fight in this war. North and South Vietnam fought through guerrilla warfare. The South Vietnamese and the US relied greatly on air superiority and firepower to destroy North Vietnamese operations. The North leadership ordered the vietcong to not pitch fights with the US, instead they were ordered to do hit and runs and more ambushes. The US had spotter planes everywhere and so it was very important to the vietcong to hide their bases in swaps and remote areas. 58,148 Americans died in this war and about 500,000 North Vietnamese died. 


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