Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a major conflict between two extreme systems of government.  The two opposing sides were the communist Soviet Union and the democratic United States. The United States supported the southern Vietnamese while the Soviet Union supported the Northern Vietnamese. This is the first war the United States has ever been in where they can’t distinguish the citizens from the soldiers. This was also the first all guerilla warfare war between two major powers. Although the Soviets never sent many troops to aid the Northern Vietnamese they spent a lot of money sending supplies and weapons to the communist allies. As the war progressed it became clear that there were too many advantages against the US and a victory was impossible with out keeping it moderately humane. The factor that made it clear as to why victory was impossible was the Viet Cong; a private supporting communist army made up of citizens that used deadly guerilla warfare against the anti-communist US. During the war, at home people felt that if the people of Vietnam wanted to become communist then let them, they shouldn’t be sending US citizens to fight for politically security of democracy. The war was quickly and cleanly ended by the retreat of the entire US army on April 30th, 1975.


  1. This was really informative and concise but sometimes your sentences were confusing. If you reread you posting and reworded/rearranged some of your sentence, it might seem more clear. For example, it should be "This was the first war the United States has ever been in where the American soldiers couldn't distinguish the citizens from the soldiers." Otherwise, good job.

  2. Make sure to proof read for grammatical errors, but otherwise very well done. The posting was informative and made clear the perspective of the United States on the Vietnam War. Nice picture

  3. The post is informative and covers the significance of the Vietnam war. However, there are some grammatical errors that can be avoided so that readers can follow easily.

  4. Great post! Although it is very brief, it is very well written and informative. I had never heard of the Viet Cong until reading post. Great job!

  5. Good job on getting the overall message and information. Maybe focus on more details and get more specific. But overall it was clear. Good job!
